

We have developed a series of interactive tools to help entrepreneurs and managers improve and grow their businesses. Our tools are online based, with the results being provided automatically, upon completion of the exercises.

Business Lens
Find out the naked truth about your business

Business Lens helps you discover the naked truth about your business. Using an innovative assessment system, Business Lens shows, from a wide perspective, what you should focus on to improve the performance of your company.

Sales Lens 
How strong is your sales function?

Sales Lens displays to what extent your sales function and activities are well-honed to achieve the greatest success in your market. A strong sales function can make all the difference.

Marketing Lens
Is your marketing effort effective?

Marketing Lens shows you to what extent the marketing efforts of your company are well designed and implemented. Business is a game of attraction, and marketing is one of the important elements that can set the most successful companies apart (from the rest).

Superstar Company
Is your company a superstar?

Superstar Company shows if you are on the right track to turning your company into a Superstar Organisation. The tool evaluates your company against several important standards that describe high-performing companies.

Client Perception
Are you rightly perceived by your clients?

Client Perception is a tool that evaluates your company’s power to create an attractive image. Understanding how to build and maintain a positive client perception is paramount to your market success.

Motivation Level
How motivated are your staff?

Motivation Level displays how well your company encourages people to deliver better results. Motivation is often a managerial blind spot! This exercise is a reality-check on the level of engagement within your company.

Strategy Evaluation
How appropriate is your strategy?

Strategy Evaluation displays to what extent your company’s strategy is suitably designed and executed. The tool evaluates the ability to plan and implement effectively while keeping market focus and client-centeredness.

Innovation Rate
Is your company innovative enough?

Innovation Rate determines the extent to which your company is geared up to generating new ideas that could create more value for your clients and your business.

Time Use
Is your company an efficient user of time?

Time Use is a tool that assesses how well time is used in your company. Time is money and business. Managers and employees have to ensure time is on their side.

Business Pillars
Is your business solid long term?

Business Pillars is an audit that provides an excellent overview of your business, considering the most important elements for your business’ long-term success.

Exit Rating
Is your company ready to find a buyer?

Exit Rating helps you discover your real chances of selling your business. Investors consider buying only those businesses that are perceived as attractive. This report shows if your business contains those ingredients that buyers are looking for.

Company Valuation
Find out the monetary value of your company today

Company Valuation calculates your company’s present-day real market value. Using classic assessment methods, this tool will show the value at which you could sell your business, in free-market conditions.

Loan Simulator
Find out the real cost of your loan

The financial market is flooded with the most diverse and often misleading lending offers. Loan Simulator enables you to assess the real cost of your existing or potential loans, and to compare various lending options based on the offers received from potential lenders.

Borrowing Perspective
How likely is your company to receive bank financing?

Borrowing Perspective offers a perspective over your company’s possibility to obtain a bank loan. Usually, the bank’s response to a loan application is received after the applicant has already invested time in providing many documents and information to the bank.

Equity Financing
How likely is your company to attract equity investors?

Equity Financing shows if you really have the possibility to attract private equity financing into your business at this moment. Financing your business through private equity investment can help you better capitalise market opportunities.

Leader Identity
Evaluate your entrepreneurial, leadership and people abilities

Leader Identity helps you evaluate your entrepreneurial, leadership and people abilities. It assesses the match between you as a person and your business and organisational environment.

True Nature
Are you an entrepreneur, manager or a skilled producer?

True Nature helps you discover whether you are predominantly an entrepreneur, manager or skilled producer. Understanding people’s natural predispositions is important to assigning the right person to the right job and maximising your and your company’s performance.

Influencing Level
How good are you at persuading people?

Influencing Level scans people’s abilities to persuade others. Influence is one of the main ingredients of high quality management. Effective influencers get the most out of their teams, whereas poor influencers lower team performance.